Are you experiencing issues?
Explore your Mental Health

Anxiety is what we feel when we are worried, tense or afraid – particularly about things that are about to happen, or which we think could happen in the future.

PTSD is a condition that can develop following a traumatic and/or terrifying event, such as a sexual or physical assault, the unexpected death of a loved one, or a natural disaster. People with PTSD often have lasting and frightening thoughts and memories of the event, and tend to be emotionally numb.

Do You Need a Help?
I have both daytime and evening office hours available.
Do You Need a Help?
I have both daytime and evening office hours available.
Do You Need a Help?
I have both daytime and evening office hours available.

Personal Mental Health
#allinthistogether is a personally owned, personally updated mental health awareness website that was launched to ‘help anybody’ who fears being ‘somebody that has mental health’.
Let’s firstly make it clear that nowhere on this website will we tell you ‘what to do’, nowhere will we claim that ‘we have all the answers’, and nowhere will we state that having educated ourselves on mental health that we have’ not sourced information from other people or other sites’. The key to Mental Health is not to live in fear of things, and so we believe that sharing information that others too have searched and educated themselves on, will make dealing with this issue a lot easier in the long run. We have sourced information, terminologies and examples from other websites as they have too resourced the various mental health illnesses that affect approximately 1 in 4 people in the UK. For the opportunity in doing so, we thank them all. This website is nowhere near finished and is a work in progress. We will be updating it weekly and so is a continuation of the research and findings we discover on a journey we are all sharing.
The Stories of Success
I’m lucky as I have good friends that have helped me however what about those that don’t? As a community we should be doing more to raise the flag for the different types of ‘mental health’ that affect so many. I was lucky to be able to talk to Macca from the weeks it happened till today.

Family tips
How to Save Family &
Go back to the beginning. Ask yourself: What drew me to this person to begin with? What qualities did they possess that I found valuable? What made them so amazing? And are they still? Reevaluating the reasons you came together reminds you of the reasons to stay together, and this strengthens your already-existing foundation.
The Stories of Success
I’m lucky as I have good friends that have helped me however what about those that don’t? As a community we should be doing more to raise the flag for the different types of ‘mental health’ that affect so many. I was lucky to be able to talk to Macca from the weeks it happened till today.

Mental Health
#allinthistogether is a personally owned, personally updated mental health awareness website that was launched to ‘help anybody’ who fears being ‘somebody that has mental health’.
Let’s firstly make it clear that nowhere on this website will we tell you ‘what to do’, nowhere will we claim that ‘we have all the answers’, and nowhere will we state that having educated ourselves on mental health that we have’ not sourced information from other people or other sites’. The key to Mental Health is not to live in fear of things, and so we believe that sharing information that others too have searched and educated themselves on, will make dealing with this issue a lot easier in the long run. We have sourced information, terminologies and examples from other websites as they have too resourced the various mental health illnesses that affect approximately 1 in 4 people in the UK. For the opportunity in doing so, we thank them all. This website is nowhere near finished and is a work in progress. We will be updating it weekly and so is a continuation of the research and findings we discover on a journey we are all sharing.
The Stories of Success
I’m lucky as I have good friends that have helped me however what about those that don’t? As a community we should be doing more to raise the flag for the different types of ‘mental health’ that affect so many. I was lucky to be able to talk to Macca from the weeks it happened till today.
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