Started in October 2021, Our Mental Health Matters were delighted to announce that after 12 months of research and discussions, we finally launched our New ‘Mental Health Education Scheme’ that has been launched in Partnership with Leatherhead Football Club.
Mental Health conditions are increasing, and many followers of Leatherhead and its supporting areas have suffered and continue suffering with conditions that figure as ‘Mental Health Conditions’.
Martin McCarthy with the help of several people at the club have designed and began to promote a weekly Education Scheme to try to tackle the Stigma that is attached to the conditions of mental Health.
The new Mental Health Education Scheme is launched to allow sufferers, family members, work colleagues and peers, the opportunity to come and learn about a whole number of mental Health conditions and how these are affecting people in everyday society.
The event was launched to benefit people free of charge at a time when getting help is becoming harder and harder. The recent COVID Pandemic has meant that face to face therapies or help is becoming less and less. Our scheme is to allow everyone an opportunity to come to weekly sessions that firstly discuss, educate and hugely interact with its participants in a non-judgemental way, offering supportive empathy and not sympathy.
Lots of the local community have shown great support for this pioneering initiative and several leading local companies have supported it with promotion to its workforce.
The scheme aims to discuss and educate on several conditions, all of which often interact to make conditions to the sufferers feel like there is no way of managing their condition or getting better.
Our aim is to end the stigma that is attached to Mental Health. We understand that these conditions are all to normal to so many, who often feel there is no support, or to get support it often costs more than we can afford. Our Mental Health Matters hopes to end this with our free of charge events that is open to everybody.
Our aim is that week by week, we allow everyone an opportunity to come, listen, learn and be involved in subject matters close to their heart, in a way that is fun and enjoyable to all. We aim to reaffirm our learning so that we truly understand the subjects close to our hearts.
Below is a list of subject matters we have discussed and that we are looking to discuss. We also hope that week by week our attendees find courage to discuss their issues which shows their confidence growing at a time that so many are suffering in silence.
Subject Matters we aim to cover across our broad spectrum.
Antisocial personality disorder
Borderline personality disorder
Obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD)
Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD)
Seasonal affective disorder (SAD)
Social anxiety (social phobia)
Suicide and Suicidal Feelings